
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bill of Rights Video

Heart Map Suggestions

If you are having trouble deciding how to create your heart map - here are some I found using google images:

What did we do in class today?

* Language Arts:
- Warm Up: Every Day Edit
- Book Talk
- Persuasion Mini Lesson
- Persuasion Group Activity
(We are beginning our work on persuasive writing to help students prepare to write their CBA in February.)

LA Homework:
- Finish Heart Maps - DUE TOMORROW!
- Read!

* Social Studies:
- Notes & Discussion: The Bill of Rights

SS Homework:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tips for Writing Found Poetry

Choose a piece of writing that isn't yours. You may be happiest with your results if you choose something that doesn't seem poetic at all. A very old letter, an obsolete set of instructions for technology that no longer exists, a page of advertising copy, a biographical essay, or a news account can all have interesting words and phrases.

  • Study the text. Look for words and phrases that catch your eye, or that seem to contradict each other if you take them out of context. Look for repeated words and see what the text is trying to emphasize.

  • Select words and phrases from the text, and begin to arrange them on your own page. Try to keep them in order, even if you are leaving out phrases or sentences in between.

  • Look for poetic interest in these words. Look for ways to cut and arrange them to point out contrasting ideas or contradictions. Look for images that they provide. Select phrases that unintentionally rhyme, if you choose.

  • The resulting arrangement of these words is your "found poem." Ideally, it should convey its own meaning to a reader, a meaning probably not intended by the original writer of the letter, instructions, or article. If you can make an arrangement that has a meaning about life, love, ageing, wisdom, or any of the other eternal themes of poetry, you've made a pretty fine "found poem."

  • The Preamble of the US Constitution

    What did we do in class on Wed. Jan. 19th?

    Language Arts:

    - Reviewed finding reference sources
    - Mrs. Chapman shared 10 books she read in 2010 that may interest students
    - Worked on "I Have a Dream" speech found poetry (Due Monday, January 24th - MUST BE TYPED!)
    ** If students need help with this assignment - please see me as soon as possible.**

    LA Homework:
    - READ! Book project requirements will be handed out in class on 1/24. These projects will take the place of reading logs.
    - Finish found poem if needed

    Social Studies:
    - Library Time/Independent Reading
    - Reviewed Articles 1-3 of the Constitution

    SS Homework:
    - None